Set the value at many (row,column) index pairs in a matrixĪ(sub2ind(size(A),rowIndices,columnIndices))=1 Ĭreate new matrix B where each column in A is repeated k times: OneMat = spalloc(numRows,numCols,40*numRows) % we have around at most numUsedCols = 40, each has numRows entries User some values insides the zeros function that resembles the size of your matricesįor sparse matrices, we need to approximate how much data they are likely to store Preallocate a Cell Array of Full Matrices and Sparse Matrices
= ismember(queryRow,matrixToSearchIn,'rows') % check if queryRow is also a row in matrixToSearchIn Multiply a 3d matrix with a vector to get a 2d matrixĬoncatenate a cell array of matrices to one 3d matrix Assign the same matrix to all elements of a struct array