Insert Circled Number or Letter Using Enclose Characters So if you want to insert larger numbers or letters with circles, please try the second method.
Note: you can only insert numbers from 1-10 with circles in this way. Click Insert to add the specified number to your document.Ĥ. Choose Windings, Windings 2 or Wingdings 3 as the font in Symbols tab, then scroll down to find the circled numbers. Go to Insert tab, click Symbol and choose More Symbols… in the drop-down list.ģ. One of the most commonly used way to insert circled numbers or letters is using Symbol.Ģ. To answer this question, I’ll share the detailed steps in the post. So how to insert circled numbers and letters in Word exactly? Sometimes you may need to insert numbers or letters with circles in Word document, but you can’t type them directly or copy them from Internet every time.